                       Presiding Minister - Reverend Carmen Collette
Community of Faith United Methodist Church is open for In-Person and virtual service at 9 am. Mask optional.
*Pastor Collette is on vacation for the month of August 2024. Please contact Reverend Gooden for pastorial needs.
**Members can give by clicking the Green E-giving button below. If you need help, Please contact Karen Hylton or Betty Freeman. Egiving defaults to recurring payment. If you only want one-time gift be sure to click one-time gift tab.
***Prayer Line Service meets Mon. - Fri. evening at 8 pm. and Wed. & Fri. morning at 6 am. by the Prayer Line                   (716) 427-1590: Access code 513628. All are WELCOME
John 20:29 Jesus said, "Because you have seen me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are BLESSED."
Have a safe and blessed day. 
22420 Frederick Road, Clarksburg, MD